Category: Dispensationalism

  • Conservativism vs Humanitarianism In Church Theology [3] : Compromise vs Courage

    Between 2016 and 2020, the US presidency of Donald Trump divided the Church like no president ever before. Trump proved to be more willing to step over an unconscionable line than any of his wiser Republican predecessors, all of whom (as well as all Democrats) professed at least a nominal level of adherence to the…

  • Conservativism vs Humanitarianism In Church Theology [2] : Narrow & Broad Churches

    The narrow church / broad church paradigm fits pretty well with the conservative/humanitarian theological split. Conservatives tend to prefer working within their own limited sphere of similar theologies within the Church as a whole, whilst humanitarians are generally more disposed to outreach and working with people from across a range of different denominational and theological…

  • Conspiracy Theories and Christian Nationalism Contrarian To Church Growth [4]

    The most important aspect of this discussion is to realise that US dispensationalist theology that points to present and future theocracy, as seen now in the country’s strong support for the present day State of Israel and its expectations of millenial rule as claimed by dispensationalists from the Book of Revelation, is inherently flawed, and…

  • Conspiracy Theories and Christian Nationalism Contrarian To Church Growth [2]

    In the first part of this series we took a look at the issue of conspiracy theories and how by feeding into a Christian Nationalist narrative, actual growth of the Kingdom of God is hindered rather than helped. As is often the case on this blog, further reflection on this subject has led to a…

  • US Christian Nationalism Politics Splits America, Church [3]

    Everyone’s seen the disturbing unfolding of seditious political insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC on January 6. There’s no real need to go over that here, the main concern for this blog is the fatal attraction that the outgoing administration has held for evangelical Christianity in America and the apparent reluctance of its…

  • “Trump Is Anointed By God” – White Evangelicals Claim – As They Call For Election Reversal

    Back in a previous post on this blog the idea was floated that evangelical leaders had decided Trump was anointed / appointed by God to his role as US president, this was predicated on the strong language being used by these leaders to describe what would happen if Trump was impeached or lost the election,…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [3]

    After writing the first two posts it has become clear a summary or conclusion would be helpful, so here it is. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS: Prior to the 2016 presidential election campaign. various prophecies are produced that the Republican candidate (POTUS 45) will win the election. POTUS 45 wins the election campaign and is inaugurated as…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [2]

    In part 1 of this two part series, dominionism and some related theologies were examined. Part 2 continues this discussion more in relation to the 2020 presidential elections in the US. A key aspect of dominionism closely tied to dispensationalism is the belief that Christians must help to usher in the “end times” and the…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [1]

    If you have tracked the four years since the 2016 US presidential election and the re-election campaign this year, you’ll be well aware of the controversy that has surrounded the 45th president and the division created in Evangelical communities worldwide over whether to support him or not. Polling has showed majority support for the 45th…