Category: Dispensationalism

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [4]: Denying The Sacrifical Atonement Of Jesus Christ

    Parts beyond the first three weren’t originally planned, but have been added because we realised there is a whole lot more to the dispensational theology than purported predictions of future events, the part that people most often remark about. We are indebted to Alistair Donaldson for his in depth analysis of the topic, which you…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [3]: Broken Promises, Straw Men, Outlandish Claims & Unholy Alliances

    Anyone who has followed dispensationalism for any length of time soon becomes aware of the many claims made by its proponents that present day and future events are foretold in the Book of Revelation. The key ones, of course, are the rapture, seven year tribulation and millenial reign. However, ardent dispensationalists have brought significant discredit…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [2]: A Peculiarly American Theology

    Our reckoning of dispensationalism as a predominantly American school of theological thought is mostly supported by anecdotal knowledge rather than research. Nevertheless, Stephen Sizer (writing in Donaldson, 2011) draws particular attention to the predominance of dispensationalist belief and practice upon the US church. As he notes, “[many] evangelical, charismatic and Pentecostal leaders, seminary professors and…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [1]: Introduction

    Dispensationalism, and variants of it. are easily among the most controversial theologies within the evangelical Christian church over past centuries. But as we know already from our studies, much of what is taught under dispensationalism is a kind of fortune or future telling which has been shown repeatedly to have a fanciful and wildy inaccurate…