Category: Government

  • US Christian Nationalism Politics Splits America, Church [1]

    The Southern Baptist Convention is facing substantial backlash after six white seminary presidents met and issued a resolution denouncing Critical Race Theory, a “theoretical social sciences framework that examines society and culture as they relate to categorisations of race, law and power” (Wikipedia definition). CRT is something of a red flag to political conservatives, and…

  • “Trump Is Anointed By God” – White Evangelicals Claim – As They Call For Election Reversal

    Back in a previous post on this blog the idea was floated that evangelical leaders had decided Trump was anointed / appointed by God to his role as US president, this was predicated on the strong language being used by these leaders to describe what would happen if Trump was impeached or lost the election,…

  • US Voter Suppression Tied To Race. Questions For Churches’ Political Alignments?

    This blog has no desire to become a commentary on American politics in general and it is firmly intended to steer future posts away from this topic and concentrate mainly on theology; it is unavoidable, however, that the present political situation in the US is inextricably entangled within the evangelical church community there. Hopefully the…

  • “The American Conservative” Pans Trumpist Evangelical Electoral Campaign

    Rod Dreher, the senior editor of “The American Conservative”, is hardly a R.I.N.O. (a pejorative slung at Republicans disdaining the Trump campaign’s shrill shrieking, meaning Republican In Name Only), nor would it be accurate to describe him as a C.I.N.O. (Christian In Name Only). He has, however, expressed a great of concern at the themes…

  • American Evangelical Angst Over Trump Loss Disproportionate In Western Churches

    Unless one lives under a rock, it would be hard to be unaware of the considerable disquiet and unrest within the evangelical community in the US over the Trump election loss, the extent of which appears to be almost unprecedented. Almost immediately at the time that mainstream media outlets were calling the election for Biden,…

  • Can The Church Or The Government Build A Better Society?

    This could be a political question, a theological question, or both. Because it is not just a straightforward political issue, but has ramifications for theology, it qualifies to appear on this blog. The issue at stake is for differing views for Christians about how much of the personal impacts of their faith can be expressed…